Sree Raghavapuram Sangeetha Sabha (SRSS) is one of the prestigious departments of Sree Raghavapuram Sabhayogam started functioning since 2019. The main objectives of SRSS are the promotion, preservation and documentation of the rich culture of Carnatic Music. The important activities of Sabha are; organizing music classes, promoting young musicians, felicitating musicians for their contribution in the field of Carnatic Music, conducting music festivals, music competitions and lectures. The proposed activities of the Sabha in the coming years are; starting music institutions, creation of music albums, publication of books and journals, of the Sabha are to publish journal, books and musical albums, conducting workshops, seminars, promote music therapy, starting SRSS unit at district level, helping artists by financial assistance and disbursing scholarship to music students. It will also collaborate with similar bodies at local, state, national and international level.
Know More on Membership & Sangeetha Nidhi
Membership in SRSS will be provided to all, with a fixed fee, to make the services of SRSS to all. The revenue from the membership fee will also be used for achieving our various objectives. There will be considerable reduction in the program registration fee for the members of SRSS.
Current membership fee structure is given below,
INR. 5000/- Now* only 2500/- Lifetime membership
(* Applicable till 31-12-2021)
INR. 250/- Biannual membership, has to renew with INR 200/- on every two year.
Click Here to complete the membership form.
Sangeetha Nidhi
Sangeetha Nidhi is a multipurpose fund mainly formed to carry out the following activities,
- Provide financial assistance to musicians suffering due to poverty and diseases.
- Disburse music scholarship to deserving students.
- Musical instrument purchase for deserving students
- Conduct research
- Promote music therapy
- Honor musicians
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A Group of Artists and Music Enthusiasts
Organizing Music Classes
At present SRSS is conducting online music classes. The classes were started during June, 2020. It was inaugurated by renowned Carnatic musician, Sahithya Sangeethamani Thamarasery Eswaran Bhattathiri. Students from India and abroad are regularly attend the class. The classes divided into different batches based on the level, from basics to advanced level. Students are charged reasonable fee. And the music teacher is appointed to take music classes with a fixed salary. The progress of the students is regularly monitored at every stages based on the syllabus.
Felicitating musicians
SRSS honors musicians who have made great contributions to Carnatic Music.
Promoting young musicians
SRSS is also providing opportunity to music students to present music concerts and sing Keerthanas in our online platform. Apart from this, during the annual meet, music students and young musicians are given stages to perform their talent.
Conducting music festivals
SRSS has conducted Navarathri Music festival and Tyagarajotsavam during 2019-2020. Similarly it will also conduct music festivals in memory of eminent composers of Carnatic Music.
Music competitions
SRSS has conducted online music competition. Music students and music aspirants from different parts of Kerala were participated in the competition. And they were awarded with certificates.
Lectures on Carnatic music
SRSS has conducted several lecture series on different topics. Eminent musicians in Kerala delivered classes on different ragas in our Raga Parichayam series. All the classes are available in our YouTube channel.
Similarly SRSS planned to conduct monthly Lecture Series. The purpose of the lecture series is to impart knowledge about Carnatic Music to all. The topics will be selected in a way that will be useful for Carnatic music students and researchers as well as anyone who wants to know more about Carnatic music. Lectures will be handled by renowned Carnatic Musicians, instrumentalists, researchers, teachers and music critics. The lecture will be conducted in every month on various topics by eminent personalities.
Future plans
Creation of music albums and documentary
The SRSS will also undertake projects like creation of music albums and documentaries. The objectives of music albums are to promote compositions, which are not much popular in the mainstream. Similarly to prorogate our Indian culture and values it will also create albums of value songs. Apart from this, albums of Bhajans, light music, children songs and devotional songs will also be created.
In order to preserve our rich music culture, SRSS will also create documentary. This will include, documentary of eminent musicians and their contribution, documentary of places having historical relevance etc.
Publication of books and journals
In order to preserve Carnatic Music Knowledge and to share it to the next generation, SRSS intent to publish books and journals on historical and contemporary subjects related to Carnatic Music. It will also publish research articles in our journal.
Research, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences
To promote research on various topics in related to Carnatic music, it is planned to give financial assistance to researchers. To provide deeper knowledge in research methodology, it is planned to conduct workshops. And to promote young music researchers, seminars and conferences will be organized. It will also conduct various projects on Carnatic Music.
Promote music therapy
SRSS will promote use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of a group or individuals. It will also study the impact of music therapy on different groups of individuals.
Starting SRSS unit at district level and Music University
One of the long term objectives of SRSS is to start a Music University in North Kerala. Along with that, units of SRSS will be started in each districts of Kerala.
To achieve its various objectives SRSS will collaborate with similar bodies at local, state, national and international level.
Events & More
GovindaPrasad PK (Secretary) +91 80758 35297