Jagadguru Aadi Sankara, incarnation of the Lord, was intellectual giant and spiritual light of Bharat who paved the way for the renaissance of Sanatan Dharma. The early history of Sreeraghavapuram Sabhayogam is closely related to the Jagadguru and his immediate disciples as well.
A fascinating statue of the Viswa Guru is being unveiled at Kannisseri kavu Devaswom campus, facing the KSTP Highway, on the auspicious Makara Sankranthi day, the 14th January, 2024 at 5.00 pm. It is pertinent to note that the Statutes of the Jagadguru are seldom plenty in Kerala, His Avathar punya Bhoomi.
The main objective of the installation of the Aadi Sankara Statue is to excite reverent memories of the great philosopher & Advaita spiritual Guru in the society, the young generation, in particular.
The auspicious statue was articulated by the famous sculptor and retired teacher Sri Vadakkinedath Palakkeezh Vasudevan Namboodiri. The Statue installation function is also scheduled in preparatory to the Veda bhajan & Annual Conference of the Sabhayogam, scheduled from 22 nd to 28th January, 2024 at Kannisseri kavu.
We cordially invite all well-wishers and lovers of Sanathan Dharma to attend the Statue unveiling ceremony.