10/9/22 was a day of memorable events in the forward journey of Raghavapuram Sabha Yogam. A function was held at Pilathara to mark the occasion, when the North Zone Office of the Social Welfare Department of the Sabhayogam was inaugurated. The occasion also marked the inauguration of Prachodini Note Book Making Unit benefitting the differently abled. A get together of the differently abled belonging to north Kerala was also held simultaneously.
The note book making unit, under the name Prachodini, intended to provide employment opportunity for the differently-abled of our society, was inaugurated by Kaliassery MLA, Shri M. Vigin, in the meeting presided over by Sabhayogam President, Shri Pachamangalam Shreedharan Nambudiri, former Rawalji of Badrinath.
Shanil KP, President, Pilathara Dotcom, Shri Basheer Panappuzha, founder, Dream Riders, Shri Siddharth Vanna rath, Lions Club, and Shri TS Viswanathan, spoke on the occasion.
The north zone office of the Social Welfare Dept of Sabhayogam was inaugurated by His Holiness Thrikkaikkat Madam Mooppil Swamiyaar Parameshwara Brahmananda Thirtha. Special pujas were performed under the supervision of Brahmashri Tarananallur Ramanunni Nambudiripad. Shri Shambhu Nambudiri, Director, Sabhayogam Social Welfare Deptt, and Shri OC Krishnan Nambudiri, Director, Go Mitra Society spoke on the occasion.
A workshop for the differently abled, named Inspire Talks was held. This was inaugurated by A . Shreedharan, President, Cheruthaazham Panchayat. Smt Sainaba Teacher, Founder, We Smile Charitable Trust, conducted the class. Shri M. Krishnan, Panchayat Member, Shri KP Hari , secretary, Sabhayogam, and Shri Unni Puthur, Chairman, Sabhayogam Social Welfare Deptt spoke.
The meeting was followed by art and cultural programmes by the differently abled brothers from different districts. An exhibition of products by the differently abled was held and refreshments served. Persons who had bh secured national and state awards at various arts and sports events were felicitated.